北京康达五洲医疗器械直销中心 批发中心
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About us

  北京康达五洲医疗器械中心坐落于北京北京环保产业园区内。注册资金2000万元,厂区面积2.67万平方米。生产、生活环境优美典雅,设施齐全。主要生产拔罐器、吸痰器、生物波治疗仪和梅花桩走毯等十余个品种近百个规格的康祝系列产品。   公司具有雄厚的资金实力及高中级人才优势,引进了国外多项高、精、尖技术成果,集科研、生产、经营为一体,并且是在国内同类产品行业中通ISO9001国际质量体系认证的企业。在国内建立了二十多家分公司,产品行销全国二十九个省、市、自治区,并远销美国、德国、俄罗斯和东南亚等三十多个和地区,产品的市场覆盖率在国内众多的同类产品企业中名列前茅。   公司始终坚持以人为本,遵循高起点、高标准、高质量的原则,按照“灵活、高效、务实、创新”的企业发展理念,以“开掘祖国中医药宝库,弘扬民族传统精髓,促进人类健康事业”为己任,锐意进取,不断开拓,追求高品质产品,塑造形象,服务大众。永远超越,永远进步! Our company mainly specializes in distribution of medical appliance, such as Kangzhu branded cupping kit, sputum aspirator, therapeutic apparatus and quincuncial piles treading carpet in more than 10 varieties and cross nearly 100 specification. So far, our products are sold widely in the whole country, and exported over 20 foreign countries and regions. Its products have ranked in the top among counterpart products in terms of market shares in China. The company insists on "human needs orientation", adheres to its creed featuring "high standard, high quality and a higher starting point", and seeks for its business motto "let every citizen embrace health ". It offers considerate service to its clients, creates forever and pursues excellence.